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LASTOVSKI POKLAD - Plesno-etnološka studija

Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana: 15,93 
nije dostupno
ISBN ISBN: 978-953-6020-59-1
Uvez Uvez: meki
Godina izdanja Godina izdanja: 2011

O knjizi LASTOVSKI POKLAD - Plesno-etnološka studija

Dugogodišnje istraživanje lastovskoga poklada autorica dr. sc. Iva Niemčić, etnologinja i etnokoreologinja, zaokružuje monografijom o tom složenom i vrijednom tradicijskom običaju i obredu prožetom plesnim izvedbama. Zanimanje za plesna istraživanja, osobito zbog rodne perspektive, otkriva i nove dimenzije, dosad skrivene i neotkrivene. Upravo stoga ova monografija o lastovskom pokladu s temeljito provedenim plesno-etnološkim istraživanjem pruža dosad javnosti nepoznate činjenice o sudjelovanju cijele lastovske zajednice u tim običajima i obredima. Sustavnim izlaganjem povijesne građe i izvora, te kritičkim odmakom i interepretacijom građe koju je sama prikupila i obradila promatranjem u kontekstu izvedbe te razgovorima sa stanovnicima Lastova kao sugovornicima i kazivačima, ova monografija vrijedan je prilog poznavanju otočne kulture jedinstvenog jadranskog otoka Lastova i osobitosti u njegovoj kulturnoj slici pokladnih zbivanja. Tvrtko Zebec


This monograph by Iva Niemčić about the Lastovo island carnival is the most carefully researched study that exists on this event, along with its being an important pioneer contribution in Croatia to a gender-related perspective. Initiated by her own field observation she has nevertheless maintained a careful balance of emic perceptions and descriptions by the active and passive participants in the event. Her analytic literary comparisons on the "invisible" women in former descriptions of the event is beautifully integrated into her text. Niemčić analyzes the documentation and publications of the event by outside scholars (who happened to have been all males) and identifies where the female role is missing in the written documentation, even though in her first observation of the event, the women were obviously a part of the whole. Her writing is very clear and careful in her tracing of the invisible female in the carnival event, and she shows how this scholarly omission is replicated by news reporters who rely upon the earlier written texts of the event, and she shows to us the omitted or changed female representation in theatricalized versions of the Lastovo carnival. 

prof. Elsie Ivancich Dunin

Godina izdanja
Broj stranica
20 x 15 cm